Is Your Child a Fussy Eater?

Vegetables should be treated like any other ingredient of the meal and the main aim should be to finish the whole SERVING of the meal.

Jan 8, 2024
What?! My child finished his vegetables in school?
He will not eat any at home!
Sounds familiar?

Here is what you can do in:

  1. Food preparation
    1. ‘Hide’ the vegetables in soups, pasta sauce, porridge and dishes
    2. Cut the vegetables into tiny pieces so that your child cannot differentiate the vegetables amidst the rest of the ingredients
    3. Have a mix of vegetables so that the dish looks colourful
    4. Prepare the meal together! (Children are always excited to eat the food that they prepared themselves.)
  1. Serving the food
    1. Mix all the food together - eg. the fish, the rice and the vegetables all in a bowl and serve it as a bowl of food instead of all the ingredients in visible portions
    2. Put your child’s favourite food at the topmost layer of the bowl so that it is what he sees first and he will be motivated to eat
    3. If you have the time, serve the vegetables in an interesting way - eg. the carrots cut like stars, the cucumber cut in strips

Phrases to avoid.

“Vegetables are good for you. Please finish it.” Or “You have to finish your vegetables.”
This is a BIG no no.
Instead, say
“Let’s finish your bowl of food before we read a book (insert the next activity after the meal), ok?”
The main idea is NEVER to attract your child’s attention to the vegetables. Vegetables should be treated like any other ingredient of the meal and the main aim should be to finish the whole SERVING of the meal.

Sharing is Caring / Leading by Example

Your child will always want to eat what you eat.
  1. Therefore, you can eat carrot sticks with dips or a salad with a mix of fruits and vegetables. When you’re eating, offer to share it with your child. “Want to have some of this?”
  1. Always excite the child to look forward to the meal. “I can’t wait to eat this soup!” (as you’re stirring the spinach soup on the stove) or “This is going to be so delicious!” (as you mix the vegetables and fruits in the salad bowl)
The main idea is to show your child that eating vegetables is an enjoyable activity! Vegetables are delicious and you enjoy eating them, and so should he.