Toilet Training

Toilet training can begin when a child turns 3! Or, it can begin anytime when the child is ready and YOU are ready, as it requires patience and consistency. Here are some steps you can follow:

Mar 25, 2024
Toilet training can begin when a child turns 3! Or, it can begin anytime when the child is ready and YOU are ready, as it requires patience and consistency. Here are some steps you can follow:
1) Prepare them: Introduce the concept of using the toilet or potty. Let them see older siblings or peers (of the same gender, please!) using it. This will also be a good time for the children to be taught how to maintain personal boundaries.
2) Choose the right time: Pick a time when your child shows signs of readiness, like staying dry for longer periods, showing interest in the toilet, or being able to communicate their needs.
3) Get the right equipment: Have a child-sized potty or a toilet seat reducer ready. Let your child pick out their underwear to motivate them further!
4) Establish a routine: Encourage regular bathroom breaks, especially after meals or waking up. A little trick: Instead of saying, “Do you want to go to the toilet?” Say, “Let’s go to the toilet!” You will be amazed at how these two phrases bring about different results.
5) Positive reinforcement: Praise them for successful attempts, even if they are small steps. Avoid punishing your Little Ones for accidents.
6) Be patient: Accidents are normal. Stay calm and supportive. This will spur your Little One to keep trying and not feel embarrassed.
7) Encourage independence: Teach them how to pull down their pants/training diapers, sit on the toilet, wash and wipe themselves.
8) Stay consistent: Stick to the routine, even on outings or overnight.
9) Celebrate progress: Gradually reduce diaper use as they become more comfortable and successful using the toilet.
Every child is different, so adjust your approach based on your child's needs and progress.